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155 Years if Ministry

FBCL Brick Sign

The First Baptist Church of Laurelton came together this past Sunday to celebrate their 155th Anniversary since they were founded. A great crowd gathered for the morning worship service and God provided a cool but sunny day in which the historic sanctuary come to life with the fall decorations.

If only these walls could speak, we would hear the accounts of sermons preached, souls transformed by the love of God, of persons being baptized, and of healing ministries to family and friends. With great hymns and praise music, the members and friends sang joyfully in the morning worship. The time went by quickly with the normal worship, choir anthem, offerings and a short devotional by Rev. Mattson, who also shared in giving of a certificate for their ministry and mission within the ABCNJ.

FBCL Brick

The highlight though of the celebration was when the people were asked to share something the loved about First Baptist Church of Laurelton. Person after person stood up and shared just how God's people at the church had ministered to them. Some in times of great need, family loss, illness and headings; just being there as a small but vibrant congregation of people who cared was expressed again and again. It is wonderful when a congregation with this long of history can share together what is happening now with joy, knowing it came from historic roots of past and present brothers and sisters in the faith. FBCL continues in its search for a new pastor, and it's leadership remains focused on a bright future of ministry ahead of them.


The congregation continued after the service in the fellowship hall for a wonderful old fashion pot-luck meal were everyone could share in good fellowship and excellent food.