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2015 ABCNJ Asian Baptist Churches of New Jersey Worship Service

On April 19, 2015, at NextGen Church in West Windsor NJ, ABCNJ Asian Churches met for worship and fellowship. This gathering was unique and inspirational due to the fact that we expanded the invitation to entire church families and asking for youth and children participation. We have never had this many people in attendance. The service lasted longer than usual but was enjoyed by all due to the mulitcultural hands on involvement. There were about 75 people in attendance, including pastors, lay leaders, and many members of the church family. We had worship, praise, mission sharing, testiomony, and special music from several churches' youth and children. Our guest speaker,   Rev. Dr. Lee Spitzer, ABCNJ Executive Minister and Senor Regional Pastor, spoke on the revival of our own communities. The need to witness the power and life of Jesus Christ being the main focus, right here. We actually practiced what was preached by participation and involvement of our church communities.

We want to offer a special thank you to NextGen church, congregation, and their pastor Rev. Dr. Mia Chang, for hosting this event and preparing a wonderful meal for all in attendance.

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