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ABHMS Sponsors Work Weeks Around The Country

Note: The text of this post comes from the ABHMS website.

The work in New Orleans continues, twelve years after Katrina, and ABHMS is there.

In 2017 the American Baptist Home Mission Societies (ABHMS) has pleny of opportunites for short term missions. Check out these opportunies below, and keep ABHMS in mind for a congregational mission trip!

‘Rebuilding, Restoring, Renewing…Baton Rouge,’ La.

In August 2016, Baton Rouge received over 2 feet of rain within hours — an onslaught which resulted in severe flooding throughout the city and surrounding communities. According to news reports, damage estimates exceeded $9 billion, and more than 150,000 properties were damaged with thousands of families displaced. Among those who remain displaced and struggling to rebuild are more than 80 American Baptist families. A joint effort of American Baptist Home Mission Societies (ABHMS) and American Baptist Churches of the South, “Rebuilding, Restoring, Renewing…Baton Rouge” will host several work weeks throughout 2017. Join us in Baton Rouge as we help to rebuild, restore and renew Baton Rouge.

2017 Dates

  • March 12-18
  • March 19-25

‘Rebuilding, Restoring, Renewing…Rainelle,’ W. Va.

Teams are being formed to assist residents in Rainelle and surrounding areas that were flooded in June 2016 when 11 inches of rain fell in less than two hours. Although First Baptist, Rainelle, accumulated nearly 5 feet of water on its first floor, it opened its doors along with the heart of its people to serve as the hands and feet of Jesus. Join us in this joint effort of ABHMS and the West Virginia Baptist Convention, as we help First Baptist continue to minister to its members and community during “Rebuilding, Restoring and Renewing…Rainelle.”

2017 Dates

  • June 10-17
  • June 17-24

‘Coming Together for New Jersey…Rebuild, Renew and Restore’

ABCNJ and ABHMS are committed to seeing the recovery from Superstorm Sandy completed.

Hurricane Sandy devastated New Jersey when it hit the East Coast in October 2012. A joint effort of ABHMS and American Baptist Churches of New Jersey, “Coming Together for New Jersey…Rebuild, Renew and Restore” provides another mission opportunity to serve. Join in hands-on efforts to rebuild homes, communities and lives, while encouraging and supporting those in need and worshiping with ABCNJ congregations. Neither construction skills nor training is required.

2017 Dates

  • July 8-15

‘Home Mission: ’Til the Work is Done’ Work Week, New Orleans

Twelve years after hurricanes Katrina and Rita devastated the Gulf Coast, residents continue their efforts to rebuild. But they need our support. The faith community was there as first responders. We will continue to be there for the victims of these storms until the work is done. Come to New Orleans as we worship, witness and work together to help those in need as they rebuild their homes, churches, communities and lives. This week of ministry and fellowship will not only help those still experiencing the aftermath of the hurricanes but will also highlight the need for continued work and ministry in this impacted region.

2017 Dates

  • July 30 - August 5

‘Rebuilding, Restoring, Renewing’…Murrow Indian Children’s Home and Bacone College, both Muskogee, Okla.

Murrow Indian Children’s Home is a residential home for orphaned Native American children. Bacone College is the oldest continuously operated institution of higher education in Oklahoma with strong American Baptist ties. Both the home and college need volunteers to help with general construction, routine office work, grounds maintenance and landscaping. Plan to join us in “Rebuilding, Restoring, Renewing”…Murrow Indian Children’s Home and Bacone College.

2017 Dates

  • July 16-22

For additional information, and to register for these mission opportunities, please visit the ABHMS web-site

If you have furher quesitons, please contact Victoria Goff, ABHMS national coordinator of Volunteer Mobilization Ministries, using the form belowm or by calling 1-800-ABC-3USA, x2449.

Contact Victoria Goff

See this form in the original post