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General Secretary’s Update – August 12-13, 2017

This post first appeared on the ABCUSA web-site.

Dear ABCUSA Friends,

As I write to you today, two concerns weigh heavy on my heart, as I imagine they do on yours as well. The whole world is watching the war of words escalate between the United States and North Korea. North Korea’s apparently successful development of its nuclear weapons arsenal threatens to destabilize Asia, forcing us to recognize that 25 years of diplomatic efforts to prevent such nuclear proliferation have failed. Since the end of World War II, American Baptists have advocated for nuclear disarmament in many ways, and surely in this current crisis no thinking person would want to see either side resort to the use of such weapons, or to precipitate armed conflict in any form. Our peacemaking mandate insists that countries find diplomatic means to settle disputes and differences. In response to this current crisis, I would like to commend to you all the thoughtful email sent out by Metro Chicago (Rev. Carol McVetty and Rev. Douglas Harris, Interim Executive Ministers), and the Mennonite prayer resources they refer to; please share it with your churches. Several people and I have been conversing about a specifically ABCUSA response. If you have suggestions/input, please share them with me.

Second, the white supremacist demonstrations in Charlottesville, Virginia (see, for example, this story on CNN), cannot be ignored. Let us encourage our pastors to remind our membership that ABCUSA stands for the full equality of all Americans and rejects every version of racial prejudice and specifically, the contemporary ugly resurgence of so-called “white nationalism.” I especially appreciated IM missionary Daniel Buttry’s Facebook reposting of an American Baptist Resolution which is still valid today:


The mood of America is characterized by growing economic unrest, unemployment, rapid social change and a sense of impotency and futility. That mood is contributing to a resurgence of the Ku Klux Klan, or to a “new Klan,” and to other white-supremicist movements in the United States.

Public opinion has encouraged the growth of the Klan and racism in general when it has sympathized with it or indirectly supported it by endorsing the attitude that America’s minorities have “come too far, too fast.” Public tolerance has been demonstrated by voter acceptance of Klan political candidates, widespread distribution of printed material which accepts KKK actions, and by the failure of the criminal justice system to investigate effectively and end Klan-related violence.

THEREFORE: In accordance with the American Baptist Policy Statement on Human Rights which supports the right of all persons to be protected against discrimination and in light of its concern over the current manifestations of racism as evidenced in the resurgence of the Ku Klux Klan, the General Board of the American Baptist Churches urges local congregations and individuals to:

  1. Indicate publicly their opposition to the Klan by statement and action wherever the Klan appears;
  2. Encourage politicians and governmental bodies to take active positions against the racism, terrorism and acts of violence fostered by the Klan;
  3. Educate members, especially children, about the nature of the Klan and about the myths which it seeks to foster related to racial superiority;
  4. Design and implement programs to educate people, especially children, about the biblical imperatives for racial justice;
  5. Take every opportunity afforded by the media to affirm our support of racial justice; and
  6. Become actively involved in local and national efforts to achieve and assure racial justice.

We call upon the agencies and the leadership of the regional and national units of American Baptist Churches in the USA to:

  1. Provide informational materials and other forms of support to individuals and to congregations engaged in efforts to educate their members about the nature of the Klan and about racial justice;
  2. Represent American Baptist Churches in ecumenical efforts to combat the Klan;
  3. Encourage public media to use their resources to promote racial justice;
  4. Commend those media which have carried out investigative reporting about the Klan and its activities; and
  5. Express our repugnance for the philosophy and activities of the Klan through appropriate governmental and legal channels.

Adopted by the General Board of the American Baptist Churches – December 1980 130 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstentions

Rev. Dr. Lee B. Spitzer General Secretary American Baptist Churches USA