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Families fleeing from conflict now take shelter in a local church

This story was conveyed to me by a young woman, recounted with jaw clenched to hold back her tears. This is a story many of our sisters and brothers in Christ in countries around the world could tell. We cannot share these stories with names and photos since it could put them in danger. But you can pray for them, asking God to bless them with shalom peace and provision as they try to survive and thrive in a foreign land.

Here are some of the stories we heard during a recent ministry trip to three countries in Southeast Asia. God is working in and through partners who live in countries where Christians are only barely tolerated. 

“Kindness owners”

During an intensive servant leadership training we conducted, refugee leaders developed a group covenant for managing conflict so they can better serve their people. One leader called us “kindness owners” and thanked us for “embracing us with your hearts.”

Planting 1,000+ churches

In another country, partners are working hard to plant new churches in every province and train enough pastors to shepherd them.

One Body, working together

We are seeing much more cooperation between partners as they encourage and equip one another to BE the church in their unique contexts. God is using IM and us as bridges and capacity builders to bring us all together as one body. Hallelujah!

Thanks for allowing us to serve as your hands and feet as we minister alongside these companions of the Way.