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ABCNJ Executive Minister Search Process Progressing Well

The Search Committee to call the next Executive Minister and Senior Regional Pastor for the American Baptist Churches of New Jersey has met several times during the year and is making strong progress. Numerous applications from both inside and outside the region were submitted. These applications represented a number of different ethnic and cultural backgrounds.

As provided in the ABCNJ By-Laws and Constitution, the Personnel Committee serves as the search committee when there is a vacancy in the office of Executive Minister. Since two members of the Executive Committee already sit on the Personnel Committee, the ABCNJ Council provided that the members of the Executive Committee join the search committee. The members of the search committee are as follows:

  • Ms. Bobbi Daugherty - VP for Personnel and chair of the search committee
  • Rev. Dr. George Hancock-Stefan - President, ABCNJ
  • Rev. Dr. John Grove - VP For Professional Ministries
  • Ms. Cheryl Allocco
  • Ms. Pat Dansberry
  • Rev. Dr. Danny Scotton
  • Ms. Judy Hart
  • Rev. Suleima Rosario-Diaz
  • Ms. Rosa Sierra
  • Ms. Kathleen Reeder
  • Rev. Older Azard
  • Rev. David Holwick

The goal of the committee is to present a consensus candidate to the region which we can support as our next Executive Minister without reservation. When the committee achieves its goal, the region will schedule meetings of the ABCNJ Council and a specially called session of the region and its pastors and delegates, adhering to requirements for notification and voting contained within the regional By-Laws and Constitution.

More updates will be shared as the search process makes further progress. During these important days in the life of our region, I would like to enjoin our entire regional family to lift up the entire discernment process, as well as and each member of the search committee in prayer. Pray that they will be open to the presence and leading of the Holy Spirit, and be attentive to the person God is already preparing to be the next Executive Minister and Senior Regional Pastor of ABCNJ!