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Inspiration On The Road

It takes about an hour for me to drive from my home in North Plainfield to Hamilton Square. On one of these drives I was listening to the news on NPR and I couldn’t take it anymore.  I shut the radio off and asked the Lord, “How do you deal with this on a daily basis?” I was then led to turn the radio back on and tune into STAR 99.1. Shortly thereafter the song Tremble, sung by Steffany Gretzinger, began playing.

It took the Lord seconds to come back with his answer. God’s message is not to worry about what’s happening around you, but to look toward Jesus. Jesus can make the darkness tremble. As I listened I felt chills come over me, I believe it was the Holy Spirit re-affirming the words I had just listened to.

I wanted to share this with you. You might be at a new job or you might have a new challenge facing you. You might be sick and tired of the political climate or the evil that the enemy hurls at you daily. But we have the answer, his name is Jesus, and if that doesn’t excite you I don’t know what will. No matter what we do we cannot take our eyes off of Jesus. We all know Philippians 4:13, but sometimes we need a little reminder. My reminder came at 8:08 AM on August 2nd.