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Please Pray For the Spitzer Family

Over the past month Dr. Spitzer has been experiencing some difficulties which pointed to trouble with his heart. This week he recieved a diagnosis that one of his heart valves was wearing out and needed to be replaced. He will soon be undergoing surgery to receive a mechanical replacement. 

Please pray for the Spitzer family. Not only is this a significant and life-altering surgery for Lee, it also comes as both Lois and Larisa were getting started with their fall classes. In addition, Lee was about to run a fall circuit of travel and speaking engagements which have all been cancelled. Please also pray for Josh who is processing well but is understandably stressed.

Also pray Dr. Spitzer’s recovery, which will be lengthy. Being on the sidelines is not his style!

Finally, please pray for ABCUSA. Over the next few months planning for the Bienniel will hit full steam, the mission center will move to its new location, and all of Dr. Spiter’s speaking engagements now need to be covered by other staff members.

If anyone from ABCNJ would like to send the Spitzer’s a card or word of encouragement these can be sent to the region office and the region staff will deliver them to their home.

About the Cover Image

The image in the header was taken by Dr. Spitzer in The Netherlands. Spirals are one of his favorite symbols for Endless Possibilities, and he is about to start a new journey, so it seemed appropriate.