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Invitation to participate in a survey about the impact of Covid-19 on faith-based communities

The coronavirus has been a difficult time for constituents and houses of worship and we can only imagine how this has impacted you, personally.


You are invited you to participate in a brief and anonymous online survey so we may learn about how the coronavirus pandemic has impacted you, as well as your house of worship, and your constituents.  The survey will take approximately 10-15 minutes.


The SRF Suicide Prevention Research and Training Project at Monmouth University, West Long Branch, New Jersey along with the Mental Health Association of Monmouth County, New Jersey are collaborating on an effort to describe the impact of Covid-19 and the global coronavirus pandemic on institutions of faith, faith-based leaders, and their constituents.  The study will seek to answer the following questions:


  • How has the global coronavirus pandemic impacted spiritual rituals and services?

  • How has your house of worship adjusted services and rituals during the coronavirus?

  • What needs do you and your constituents have because of the coronavirus pandemic?

  • What type of additional supports or resources do you believe faith leaders need or constituents need as the winter approaches?

We hope this information will help us identify the needs of faith-based leaders, their houses of worship, and constituents so we may develop resources, trainings and programs for the faith-based community.  

If you are interested in learning more about the project, please click on the link below and you will be brought to an electronic consent form.  If you indicate that you agree to participate, you will be brought to the survey. 

Once the results are received, it will be shared with your ABCNJ Region. 

Thank you for your time and work during this pandemic.  

If you have any questions please feel free to contact:  

Michelle Scott, Ph.D, M.S.W.
Director, SRF Suicide Prevention Research and Training Project
Director, CONNECTWELLMU, A Garrett Lee Smith Suicide Prevention Initiative
Associate Professor, School of Social Work
Monmouth University