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Call to Prayer Amidst Conflict in Ukraine

VALLEY FORGE, PA (2/24/22)—American Baptist Churches USA General Secretary Dr. C. Jeff Woods today released a statement calling American Baptists to prayer amidst the recent military action seen in Ukraine. Read Woods’ statement below.

 As we hear news and witness the reports of the assault on Ukraine by Russian troops, I call all American Baptists to pray for the people of Ukraine and all those affected by this military action. As many of you are aware, Ukraine has one of the largest bodies of Baptists in the world and on this day and in the weeks ahead, we especially lift up in prayer our Baptist brothers and sisters in Ukraine and Russia. Please pray for the safety of all people, for minimal loss of life and property, and for a peaceful end to this conflict.

American Baptists have a long history of proclaiming peace and denouncing war: “We record our conviction that war as a method of settling international disputes is barbarous, wasteful and manifestly contrary to every Christian ideal and teaching. We reaffirm our belief that our country should have its part in an association of nations for expressing our common humanity, adjusting difficulties and outlawing any nation that resorts to arms to further its own interests.” (Adopted by the Northern Baptist Convention in 1922)

We also join our larger body of Baptists in this call to prayer. Last week, at the invitation of Igor Bandura, the vice president of the All-Ukrainian Union of Associations of Evangelical Christian-Baptists, Rev. Dr. Elijah M. Brown, General Secretary and CEO of the Baptist World Alliance visited Ukraine to pray and to support the Baptist leaders who have been organizing their churches to make preparations should this day come. Deplorably, this day has come and we call on American Baptists to pray.

“Bear one another’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” (Galatians 6:2)

Dr. C. Jeff Woods
General Secretary
American Baptist Churches USA