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A Prayer for the Ebola Crisis

This prayer was written by Ron Cosgrove, a member of Central Baptist Church of Riverton-Palmyra  


O Heavenly Father

We come before you this day with great concern, fear, and uncertainty. Our planet is faced with a crisis that is growing more serious each day – the outbreak and spread of Ebola.

We come before you in prayer for the safety and future of your children on earth.

O Lord in your mercy, Hear our Prayer

We pray for the victims and their families as they struggle through unfathomable pain and suffering.

Please wrap them in your tender mercies and guide them as they work through their grief.

O Lord in your mercy, Hear our Prayer

We pray for the Doctors, nurses, and volunteers. These compassionate individuals have put their own lives in danger so that they may give comfort and aid to the stricken.

Grant them continued courage and strengthen their hope that they can successfully contain this disease.

O Lord in your mercy, Hear our Prayer

We pray for the lab teams the world over who are working tirelessly to find to find a cure. Grant them patience and wisdom in their quest, as well as determination to continue in their work in spite of disappointment.

May they soon be blessed with the discovery of a cure.

O Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer

We pray for all the governments and corporations the world over. May they unite as one in the spirit of cooperation. May compassion, and not financial or political gain, move them in acts of mercy.

May they push aside all barriers and provide better logistics for the delivery of much needed supplies and equipment, as well as to stimulate more research.

O Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer

We pray for all the people of Earth. May we also unite as one through prayer, education, and actions.

With your guidance, O Heavenly Father, help us to overcome our fears and prejudice. May we wisely use the talents, gifts, and abilities that you have so graciously given us and work together to overcome this challenge and ensure a better, brighter future for our children and their children.

O Lord in your mercy, Hear our Prayer