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A Time To Reconnect with Rekonect!

The Camps, Conferences and Retreats Committee (CCR) has set it's second Camp Lebanon reunion for May 2 - 4, 2014.  Last year we held the first CCR sponsored reunion with folks traveling from all over to experience this event.  At this year's reunion we want to have a discussion centered around Camp Lebanon's 65th Anniversary co ming up in 2015!  The CCR has decided that the Rekonect reunion will coincide with Camp's 65th Anniversary celebration and banquet.  This year's Rekonect attendees will help to design the celebration as well as get the word out about the Anniversary.

At this year's Rekonect reunion the CCR has decided that Saturday May 3, 2014, will be a picnic day at Camp Lebanon.  For those who would like to attend the reunion but can not afford the entire stay or for those that

just cannot fit the weekend into their schedule, there will be an open picnic time Saturday.  Pack your own picnic lunch and come join the reunion for the afternoon.  If you don't want to go to the hassle of packing your own meal, the reserve a camp meal by emailing Don Smith using the form below.  The cost of camp's picnic lunch is only $11.00.  All reservations for the camp lunch must be received by April 25, 2014.  The cost of the entire weekend is only $100.00 and reservations can be made by emailing Don Smith at the above link.

So come bring your memories, stories and pictures and join us as we look ahead to our 65th anniversary celebration. To get more information in this year's reunion go to Lebanon's Web Site.

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