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An Ordination Celebration

On Sunday, June 14, Pastor Michael J. Klemick official became Rev. Michael J. Klemick. The arrival of his ordination service marked the end of a lengthy process, one which was cheered by all those familiar with the candidate. This included the members of his congregation who broke into several spontaneous rounds of applause any time the service was identified as the end of his journey toward ordination. For the people the First Baptist Church of Browns Mills, Rev. Klemick’s celebration was a shared victory. The feeling of this shared celebration wove it’s way through the entire service, marking it as both sacred and fun. For those gathered, the service was wonderful witness of the love which can form between believers through the power of Christ.

The celebration continued following the service, where the choir from First Baptist Browns Mills took the unusual initiative of leading a teaching time. The message of their well-reasoned lesson was summarized as, “In God’s choir, some just clap their hands.”

To view more image from Rev. Klemick's service, please follow this link.