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Annual Session is lighting up the night!

Annual Session 2016, now with night life! This year ABCNJ is invited to come out Friday night, September 23, and enjoy a bonfire on the beach. We'll roast marshmallows for s'mores, listen to the amazing Camp Lebanon Band, and enjoy life as the Sun sets. Other fun is also planned 1, so come out and see what's in store!

The bonfire is open to all 2 but youth groups are especially encouraged to attend. Tickets are $10 each or $75 for ten. Bring a large group and save big!

[button color="default" link="" size="default" target="_self" block="false"]Purchase Tickets Now[/button]

  1. A "post the best instagram photo of Dr. Spitzer playing limbo" contest has not yet been officially rejected. 
  2. All hobbiest photographers are encouraged to bring their cameras to capture the amazing setting. Professional photographers may also attend, but try not to make others jealous with your equipment.