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Camp Lebanon Hurricane Sandy Clean-Up - Help from ABCOPAD

From Rev. Dr. Frank Frischkorn, Regional Executive Pastor, ABCOPAD: Dear Lee,

Thank you so much for the privilege of serving the churches of ABCNJ and Christ our King in the midst of the challenges that have come your way through Hurricane Sandy—we count it a distinct pleasure to partner with you!

A group of four of us arrived at Camp Lebanon on Sunday evening, including Regional Pastors Kevin Walden, Mark Mahserjian-Smith and myself, along with Mark’s son, Luke. First thing Monday morning we were joined by Pastor Steve Case, who currently serves as the Pastor at FBC, Mansfield, PA, but who has a deep and abiding love for ABCNJ and Camp Lebanon, and then by a team of five from the FBC of Bethlehem, led by Sr. Pastor Dale Miller. Don and Hilary put us to work immediately helping them to clear debris from trees that had been taken down by the ravages of the storm, as well as chain-sawing up complete trees that had been downed in the winds. It was a joy to work side by side with Don and Hillary, and to know that we were able to lighten their load.

Five of us stayed overnight on Monday and then continued our work through lunchtime on Tuesday, working with the chain saws in the ropes course area along with clearing the trail across the road from the main camp. Additionally we helped Hilary and Don ‘button up’ the barn, where the door had been ripped from the track. While there was still more work to be done when we left, we hope to send another team in the coming days to continue our support of your regional family in these difficult days, and look forward to other opportunities to serve at your side.

“Partnership” is a key part of our vision here in ABCOPAD, and we count it a deep honor to serve and encourage you, your staff and the churches of ABCNJ. Thank you , again, for affording us the privilege to serve.