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[dropcap]A[/dropcap] long time ago used a management system called Joomla for it's first dynamic web-site. Joomla is extremely powerful, but needs a full-time person assigned to keeping it up to date. It turned out keeping Joomla up to date and free from security holes was a nightmare. So we decided to move to Wordpress. [raw] [column size="1/2"]

Wordpress was an incredible step in the right direction. It was easier to maintain, work with users, and configure. We set up a clean template and recreated much content and allowed the site to grow. Unfortunately, as it tends to do, technology moved on. Our host moved non-profit free hosting to slower servers, which made updating the site tedious. Mobile viewing became essential, and our theme was not "responsive" to different screen sizes. Elements which we thought would be most important to people, received little traffic. We needed a change.

[blockquote quote="Back in the day, keeping Joomla up to date and free from security holes was a nightmare" source="Wesley Allen"]

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Our change began in October with a  move to Site5 for ABCNJ's web-hosting. This move offered an immediate speed boost of the site, making it more pleasant to use. As our new host showed itself to be reliable, we began to search for a new theme to display's content. Today our new theme went live, and we are extremely pleased! is now responsive. That is, it will configure itself to be be viewed on whatever screen through which it's being accessed. Our new theme also has a number of built-in plugins which help to better present content to our viewers. Currently, the layout is very similar to our previous theme, but we will be examining our look and feel as we move forward. We hope you enjoy our new threads, don't forget to stop back and see what we're up to! [/column] [/raw]