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Faith Walking

For over 60 years the objective of Baptist Camp Lebanon (BCL) has been to serve the American Baptist Churches of New Jersey (ABCNJ) through the camping, conferencing and retreats ministry.  Being a ministry and mission of the ABCNJ, Camp Lebanon has relied on the mission giving of supporting churches and the generous donations of friends and alumni that care deeply for this special ministry.  The summer camping program remains as a mission field where the Gospel of Jesus Christ is shared in a unique way with each and every camper, staffer and volunteer that enters these hallowed grounds.  Mission fields can only exist where there is proper funding!  Rising costs on every level have exceeded what Camp Lebanon can charge each camper and still expect to have campers show up; therefore the need to suppliment the summer camping ministry! memorial bricks for Camp LebanonThe Camps, Conferences and Retreats Committee (CCR) has chosen a financial campaign called "Faith Walking!"  This campaign will be an on-going project with several stages that will help beautify the camp grounds as well as enhance the programming of our camping ministry and our user groups.  The first stage of this campaign is a "Tribute Patio."  The CCR has designed a 20' x 12" patio that will include a fire place, several benches and planters.  The patio itself will be filled with  4"' x 8" bricks as well as 8" x 8" bricks purchased by individuals, churches and groups.  Each brick purchased can have your special message and logo added that will be placed in the patio for all to see.

Please consider following this link and making a purchase of a brick to help Camp Lebanon build a better financial future!