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First Meeting of 2012


The Camps, Conferences and Retreats Committee (CCR) met for their first meeting of 2012. One of the subjects covered by the Committee was how to appropriate a grant given by the "Palmer Foundation" to assist our churches in reaching youth outside of their churches and connecting them with Baptist Camp Lebanon. This grant will be beneficial to both our ABC churches and to Baptist Camp Lebanon as we work together to reach out to young people who might not have a church to call home! Are you interested in reaching out to the un-churched? Baptist Camp Lebanon just might be able to help you.

The CCR iw working on an application that will be made available soon. We are seeking to assist our churches reach the un-churched youth right in your own back yards. If you have any interest or would like more details please feel free to contact Smitty by clicking here.

Your Servant Smitty