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Leaders Needed

After great visits to Cairn University and to Messiah College on summer staff recruiting trips it is time to encourage everyone else to consider your role at Camp Lebanon for this summer.  I am constantly looking for folks that love the Lord Jesus Christ and desire to share that love with others!  How about you?  Are you seeking to touch lives in a positive, encouraging way?  If this is your desire then the campers at Camp Lebanon need you as much as I need you!  If you are seeking to serve as a summer staffer for the full seven weeks simply click the "summer staffer" link at the bottom of this post, print the application, fill it out and mail it to Camp Lebanon.  If you cannot do the entire seven weeks then perhaps you can spare a week or two of your time to help campers see Jesus at work through your life and eyes.  To fill out a volunteer application simply click on the "volunteer" link found at the bottom of this post.  Again, print the volunteer application, fill it out and mail it to Camp Lebanon. For both summer staff and for volunteers, I cannot express adequately how your time and caring can change and transform lives for eternity!  Camp Lebanon has been helping to change lives for many, many years and with God's blessings and your help we will continue to give God all of the glory as He makes positive changes in the lives of everyone involved.  Come, now is the time, get involved! Use the links below to submit an application.

Summer Staffer
