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Lunch and Learn – Cancer Companions

With Karen Tripp – MS LMFT, Author of God is Bigger Than Your Cancer and President of Cancer Companions

Churches are faced with the need to minister to cancer patients and their families in a meaningful and uplifting way with minimal resources. In addition, the length and complications of cancer treatments makes the needs of cancer families longer term and more complex than other health issues.

Join Karen Tripp MS, LMFT, as she discusses Cancer and the Church and offers strategies for using volunteers to develop successful cancer ministries to impact your church and community through the Cancer Companions Program.

For anyone interested in impacting cancer in their church and community (pastors, parish nurses, lay members, Chaplains, Hospice workers, Stephen Ministers, care teams, cancer survivors and caregivers).

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[label style="info" icon="car"]Location and Time[/label] ABCNJ Region Office
Noon – 1:15 PM

[label style="success" icon="money"]Cost[/label] $10

[label style="info" icon="calendar"]Dates[/label]

  • Monday, March 7
  • Friday, March 11

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