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Ministry Opportunity – DivorceCare

The following comes from Ned Flexor, a retired pastor and member of Seaview Baptist Church. DivorceCare is a program published by Church Initiative, designed to equip churches in conducting ongoing ministry to separated and divorced people. DivorceCare is not for couples, but for the person who is seeking help and healing for the pain of separation and/or divorce.

It uses a carefully designed curriculum addressing the spiritual and emotional needs of divorced/separated people using a Biblical approach – emphasizing real healing from the intense pain of divorce must begin with God. The 13 weekly meetings are designed to become a safe place where participants can share their feelings with other people going through the same struggle.


To run a DivorceCare ministry a church should have the following:

  • Have a burden for those who are separated and/or divorced
  • Pray for God’s guidance and have ongoing prayer support
  • Have the support of your church, pastor and leaders
  • Have financial undergirding and a meeting place available
  • Prayer support for Group Leaders/Facilitators

DivorceCare Cost

  • The DivorceCare Ministry Kit (consisting of publicity tools, Leader’s Guide and 15 work books) costs $440.00
  • Pack of 100 brochures cost $10.00


Use the form below to contact Ned Flexer at Seaview Baptist Church for more information about what it takes to begin a DivorceCare program at your church. Seaview is currently leading their 29th group through the 13 week program, and would love to share the joy of this ministry with others.

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