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New Visions – Life Planning and Retirement Preparation

What do you think your retirement will look like? Do you imagine yourself lost in "ministry itches" you've long put off? Are you looking forward reading books in a hammock while sipping tea. Do you envision retirement as a time of adventure, travel, and new horizons? These can be wonderful goals, but if you don't plan for retirment in advance you retirement may turn out to be a different sort of adventure all together full of unneccessary stress and anxiety.

"New visions" is designed for professional church leaders who are 50 and up and will be held at the region office on October 26 & 27. Join us for what we promise will be a fun and exciting adventure with Dr. Doug Wheeler of the Center for Career Development and Ministry and retired Executive Minister of ABC Connecticut, Dr. Lowell Fewster.

The workshop will be an opportunity for you and your spouse to engage in discussions to start thinking and working towards the retirement you desire rather than one that will just happen to you. Included in this event will be an opportunity to work one on one with a representative of MMBB on your account.

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The workshop will run from 10AM to 4PM both days.