NJCIM Save The Date
The following is a message from New Jersey Coalition for Inclusive Ministries:Yvette Williams Maxwell, MA, President With Anne Masters, Adrienne Robertiello, Rosemarie Newberry, Bill Gaventa and Jason Cohen
This year's Annual Awards Dinner event will be hosted by Temple Adath Israel in Lawrenceville, New Jersey on October 25, 2012. Please get the word out and share as widely as possible. Let's encourage others to get their nominations out before the summer hiatus begins. Just a friendly reminder that the September 1st deadline is approaching quickly. This date will remain firm so we can get the awards selected and the winners notified way in advance. The nomination forms are posted on this site. As always this celebration of awards night will honor all those who provide opportunity for individuals with intellectual and development disabilities (IDD) to experience the joy of spiritual development.
In addition, New Jersey Coalition is just that, a coalition, and we need to get new and fresh ideas about the vision for our future. I would like to thank Adrienne Robertiello and others in the ministry for putting together the an online survey on behalf of the Steering Committee. The survey should take no longer than 5 minutes to complete. I know that you, our members value the NJCIM. Please take five minutes and help us to breathe new life into this wonderful organization by taking this survey. We will share the results with all of the membership.
Thank you very much for your continued support. Let's get the ball rolling, please complete the survey and submit your nominations for the upcoming awards dinner and celebration.