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One Accord in Palmyra

On Monday, March 4, Central Baptist Church in Palmyra hosted an Accordance Training seminar.  Accordance is widely regarded to be the most powerful Bible software package on the Mac platform, and will be making it's first foray on to Windows computers in 2013.  The training seminar was geared mostly for current Accordance users, but it was useful for anyone who is interested in seeing how powerful studying the Bible on the computer can be.  Relationships between books, even comparing the language of one book to another, can be done quickly and elegantly with the software tools currently on the market.  In this way research, which can take hours using printed materials, can be reduced to moments.  This frees up time for more reflection when preparing for a sermon, Sunday school lesson, or Bible study . In the future, Accordance will become as powerful on mobile devices, such as the iPad, as it is on "traditional computers." The tools currently restricted to desktops and laptops may soon be available everywhere.

If you either use Accordance, or are interested in this tool, use the form below to indicate your interest in participating in an ABCNJ Accordance user group.

[contact-form subject=" Accordance Response" to=""][contact-field label='Name' type='name' required='1'/][contact-field label='Email' type='email' required='1'/][contact-field label='Rate your interest in an Accordance User Group' type='select' required='1' options='Very interested,Somewhat Interested,I would like more information on the software,I use another tool%26#x002c; could I be connected with other users?'/][contact-field label='Comment' type='textarea' required='1'/][/contact-form]