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Rev. Edmund Hampton of Alloway has passed away.

The American Baptist Churches of New Jersey and the West New Jersey Baptist Association express our deepest sympathy to the family members and congregation of the Alloway Baptist Church, Alloway in the death of the Reverend Edmund Hampton this week.

Alloway, New Jersey, July 3, 2014 - The ABCNJ received word of the home going of The Reverend Edmund Hampton and wanted to pass on this information to the churches and pastors.  Reverend Hampton had been ill for a number of months but continued to strive to attend church and make phone calls even while fighting with his illness.  His passing leaves all of us saddened because his spirit and determination to live to the fullest and share the love of Christ Jesus with the world.  We also know that Reverend Hampton's heart was always focused on others and not himself. He requested that their be no funeral service and that he be at rest beside his wife's grave.  As one pastor shared with me, "that is Pastor Hampton for sure."  He focused on living in service for Christ Jesus. He now continues in eternity with the Lord Jesus Christ.  We find comfort in this knowledge of eternal life which is our Christian faith.  We look forward to seeing Pastor Hampton in heaven with our Lord.

May the Lord's comfort surround you as we remember our friend in Christ Jesus who provided hospitality, care for others, and the Gospel message to all who would listen.  Amen