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Sue Royle – Stitching Hope Together

Annual Session has always been a celebration of our diversity, accomplishments, hopes and dreams. This year was no exception. The presenters, musicians, vendors and display tables clearly expressed this year’s theme,“preaching the word, reaching the world”. As Associate Regional Pastor for GoGlobal I especially enjoyed showcasing the many facets of ABCNJ’s mission ministries at my display table. In addition I was able to present a new mission project “Supporting Seira Stitch-by-Stitch”. This project offers our ABCNJ churches the opportunity to donate toward the purchase of sewing machines for the women of Rwanda, Africa. And the response was overwhelmingly positive!

One of the highlights for me was the 2 minute sermon segment. How refreshing it was to see and hear a diverse trio of pastors, with their own unique styles, “preach the word” in two minutes. Not an easy thing to do. And of course who doesn’t enjoy hearing uplifting music especially when it comes from the Urban Promise Fifth Grade Choir.

In our busy world where we rarely speak face to face, annual session offers people the opportunity to connect in person, rekindle relationships, or form new ones, ask questions, and share ideas. In fact, some of the best conversations take place at the display tables. And those connections are vitally important to the health and growth of our region. If you have not attended an annual session please mark your calendars now for next September. You will not be disappointed.