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Summer Wrap Up

After a very busy summer I am finally getting back to posting articles on behalf of Camp Lebanon.  The summer saw many changes in the fact that we had no new American applications for our counseling positions!  That left us with the need to go outside of the country for nine counselors.  I also did not have a Counselor Crew Leader, which left me to picking up most of that work too.  To say that I was hopping this summer might be an understatement.  Summer can be all consuming but when you add additional duties it becomes even more!  I am hoping for more balance for the summer of 2013! Some really great news is that our camper numbers were up a little this year, praise God.  We also had at least 56 campers come forward at committment services!  That represents about 17% of our camper total.  God is still doing great things through the summer camping ministry here at Camp Lebanon and it is such a privilege for me to play a part in this wonderful ministry.  Please keep praying that God will continue to bless Camp Lebanon.

At ABCNJ's Annual Session I made a big push for volunteers and summer staff for 2013.  Please give consideration to how God might be calling you to join us as we seek to grow His Kingdom through Camp Lebanon's ministry to our ABCNJ churches and to our youth.