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The whole gospel for the whole person

Aula maravilhosa. Senti muito a presença de Deus dentro da sala. Obrigada, Jesus, por tudo o que vais fazer.” (A marvelous class. I sensed the presence of God in the classroom. Thank you Jesus, for all that you will do). We received this feedback from one of the 50+ participants in the Holistic Mission course we taught in January and February at our local church, FBC of Brasília.Folks really enjoyed the combination of lectures, discussions, and role plays we put together to help people think deeply about our calling as followers of Jesus. We wrestled with questions like: Why does our church exist? Is the ‘good news’ just for the hereafter or is it for the here and now as well? How can we be a blessing to our community? At the end of the last class, people signed up to be a part of a team to reach out to our city and beyond. We want to minister to kids, youth, the homeless, prison inmates, and the elderly.

It is energizing to be on this new journey with God’s people.

Let’s see what happens! Please pray with us that God would lead this family of faith to make a difference in our community, country and world.

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