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Together on the Journey: 2013

“Yes, you’re missionaries in Brazil, but what do you do?” Sometimes we get questions like this, and since we’re working on our 2013 calendar right now we thought you might be interested in how we’re hoping to build up the Body of Christ this year.

Jan, Feb, March

Cida-Evangelho Integral 2013.01.20

  • Young Adult leadership trainings for the Federal District and São Paulo state
  • Leadership training with Brazilian Baptist Women’s Union state leaders
  • Holistic Evangelism course at the Seminary
  • Integral Mission course at our local church

April, May, June

  • Young Adult leadership training for Sergipe state
  • Holistic Mission and Missionary Life courses at JAMI (cross-cultural)
  • National Mission Consultation - JAMI
  • Doctoral studies (Ann)
  • Short term mission team visit

July, Aug, Sept

  • Intensive “English for Mission” course
  • JAMI CBN Annual Assembly
  • Social Entrepreneurship and Holistic Mission courses in Myanmar
  • Evangelical Social Action Network national gathering

Oct, Nov, Dec

  • Holistic Mission and Missionary Life courses at JAMI (national workers) IMG_7494
  • CBN national Young Adult gathering
  • CBN’s first national Holistic Mission conference (organized by us!)
  • Final English Worship service for the year at our local church

Please pray that God would use us to challenge and encourage God’s people to make a difference in the world in 2013. And thanks for being on the journey with us! We couldn’t do it without you.