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Warm Thoughts

It snowed again last night.  This Winter we have already set records for both snow totals and low temperature.  We have seen freezing rain, black ice and piles and piles of snow!  Tree branches are being ripped off of the trees creating days and days of cleanup...when it gets warmer.  We have faced frozen pipes, frozen drains and a shortage of rock salt.  Our plow truck broke down and my furnace blew up!  Shoveling, then shoveling again.  Plowing with a 1953 Massey Ferguson tractor that simply cannot handle big or heavy snows.  Punxsutawney Phil (the groundhog) should consider himself lucky that I live in New Jersey!  I am so ready for summer! Even with all of the winter weather I have already begun to focus on warmer thoughts!  The Cedars of Lebanon campaign passed $250,000.00 in pledges!  If that doesn't warm you up then you may be locked up in the deep-freeze that has been this winter.  Summer camp really is not that far away.  Now we are getting heated up!  I have begun to look to hire a summer staff to prepare the way for a new crop of campers.  Warmer and warmer.  This past week our first camp registration arrived in the mail.  It is starting to really cook now!  I already am feeling warmer...or could it simply be the heater under my desk?

Now is the time for all of us to think warmer thoughts.  As you think warmer thoughts I hope that Camp Lebanon is a part of those thoughts.  We need your assistance as we seek to fund a future with the Cedars of Lebanon campaign.  We need your help in finding a great staff for the summer of 2014.  We need your attendance as a camper of a volunteer for a week or more for another great summer program.  Above all else we need your prayers for God's guidance and blessing as we seek His will.