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You're Going To COAL? Do Register!

The COAL Planning Team wants to remind our pastors and church leaders to register for the Church Officers And Leaders Training Events Now! The registration form and payment is simple and necessary to fill out and mail into ABCNJ.  Workshop leaders are asking for the counts, the host congregations are anxious about providing the right rooms for the numbers coming, the cooks need to know how many meals to prepare, and the ABCNJ staff need to have time to deal with over 200 registrations per event (estimated for this years training.)

Our ABCNJ history of pastors and church leaders coming to COAL has been outstanding and we anticipate the same for both the March 24 and March 31 COAL Training Events.  Because of the shift to individual workshop registrations, having your selection of workshops as found on the registration form is vital.  Also know the pastors who are attending the Pastor's Track.  We want you to come for the reduced price of $25.00 and not $30.00 for late registrations.

Mail in your forms and payments as soon as possible.  NOW! is the word given by support team because we don't want you to be left out or to experience your workshop being full.

Here are the downloaded forms for your prompt use.


COAL 2012 Bulletin Click to see publication you can use to help promote COAL.

Registration Form can be downloaded here. Cost is $25.00 per person.

*Late Registration – if received by ABCNJ seven days prior to event, luncheon may not be included.


This form can be printed as a bulletin size document using Adobe Reader 10 (it is free).