ABCNJ 2022 Annual Session Resources
The American Baptist Churches of New Jersey celebrated 192 years of ministry in New Jersey and its 52nd Annual Session on October 1, 2022. Our Annual Session is always a good time when the entire ABCNJ family comes together face-to-face to celebrate the work God is doing in us, through us and among us.
After two years of meeting online, we held our in-person 2022 Annual Session on Saturday, October 1. With three days of “Rise Learning Session” webinars from September 26-29, topics reflected the expressed needs and interests of our pastors and leaders (Note: the Pastoral Priorities webinar was not recorded).
If you did not register for the Annual Session, you can receive a code to access the webinars by clicking the registration button and donating $10 to ABCNJ.
May Jesus’ call to “rise, take up our mat and walk” give us courage as we seek to be faithful in our ministries.
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