ABCNJ Prayer 2025



For the past five years, we have gathered and united our hearts in prayer. These prayer gatherings are hosted via Zoom and are open to the entire ABCNJ family in New Jersey and friends from around the world. Since 2020, we have had over 4,000 voices join to lift up prayers for the people by the people.

We invite our beloved ABCNJ community to dedicate and unite in prayer on the 25th of each month for 25 minutes, listening together for God’s wisdom, guidance, and strength in 2025.

We have designated a scripture for each month to help us center around prayer. Make sure to also check back on our website for a list of items to pray about. The list will be updated throughout the year. Although some of the prayers on the list will be consistent, we are confident that the Holy Spirit is stirring in each of our lives to direct us on how or what specifically to pray about during any given month.

In addition, every month a list of our ABCNJ churches will be listed so that we may pray for them on that specific month.

Join us in 2025 each month, on the 25th, for 25 minutes in prayer. May you find hope, strength, and encouragement in the prayers of the people for the people.

Please note: When the 25th falls on the weekend, we will gather the Friday before. All prayer gatherings begin at 9:00 a.m.


Make sure to register below to receive the link for our monthly prayer time. You only have to register once for the year and will receive monthly reminders for our gatherings.

Prayers for the Month

Here are some things to keep in your prayers (not in any priority order): We will add to this list on a monthly basis.  

  1. Pray that discernment will increase in our churches.  New levels of faith and strength. For humble and loving hearts.

  2. Pray for all areas of healing. God’s financial provision and the determination to keep the Sabbath holy so our bodies and minds can receive respite and our spirits can hear from God.

  3. Pray for a hedge of protection over sickness and diseases. Pray for our family members who have not yet encountered the love of God. Pray for protection and safety over our children's minds and health.

  4. For our leaders to have new intimate encounters with our Lord Jesus Christ. An encounter of restoration, renewal, and alignment with the Spirit of God for this season.

  5. For our ABCNJ Communities in Action ministries and churches working to respond with love and courage to their communities' most pressing needs.

  6. For God’s transformative and empowering encounters that will ignite and transform families, cities and nations.

  7. For a spirit of generosity in giving and sharing resources.

  8. For the ABCNJ staff (please see website for current staff)

    For all our extended ministries as they provide blessings, love, and hope to people and communities in need.

  9. For the ministry of Baptist Camp and Conference Center; All the organizations who rent Camp Lebanon.

  10. For our churches and pastors to have courage, boldness, and kindness as they lead through these changing and disruptive times.

  11. For peace and comfort for those who have experienced loss of loved ones.

  12. For peace and unity to our divided nation.

  13. For courage and kindness as we each discern how to activate our faith as it relates to the urgent call to dismantle racism at personal, interpersonal, institutional, and cultural levels.

  14. For women and girls around the world

  15. For our youth and children in the midst of much life and educational transition.

  16. For those who have lost their employment/source of income.

  17. For wisdom, discernment, and decisions of the ABCNJ Council and committees as we work together for the wholistic wellness of ABCNJ.

  18. For our local churches and pastors who are in the midst of pastoral retirement, pastoral search, candidacy processes, completed tenures, and new pastoral callings.

  19. For guidance for denominational leaders who are building up resources that may be used to respond to current, emerging, and potential future needs of our clergy, congregations, and ministries.

  20. For all of our extended ABC family — sister regions, national program boards, global missionaries and partners, supporting ministries, etc..


ABCNJ Congregations

We will be praying for all our ABCNJ congregations throughout the year. Take a moment to pray for each of our congregations highlighted for the month by choosing one each day or selecting a group of churches on a specific day, such as Sunday.

Churches we are praying for in march:

Ebenezer Baptist Church, North Bergen

Genesis Missionary Baptist Church, Newark

Gethsemane Baptist Church, Newark

Good Neighbor Baptist Church, Newark

Greater Abyssinian Baptist Church, Newark

Greater Bethel Missionary Baptist Church, Newark

Haitian Baptist Church at the Crossroads, Newark

Haitian Bethel Baptist Church, Newark

Haitian Philadelphia Baptist Church, Inc., Newark

High Hope Missionary Baptist Church, Newark

Hopewell Baptist Church, Newark

Humanity Baptist Church, Newark

Igreja Batista de Calvario, Newark

Mount Olivet Baptist Church, Newark

Mount Pleasant Baptist Church, Newark

Mount Pleasant Missionary Baptist Church, Newark

Mount Zion Baptist Church, Newark

New Light Missionary Baptist Church, Newark

Paradise Baptist Church, Newark

Providence Missionary Baptist Church, Newark

Smyrna Baptist Church, Newark

St John Baptist Church, Newark

Victory at Sunrise Baptist Church, Newark