Intercultural Ministries
ABCNJ is an energetic multi-cultural and multi-ethnic fellowship characterized by friendship, mutual respect, and cooperation.
Take a look at MLK services around ABCNJ.
Join us as our ABCNJ Executive Minister, Rev. Miriam Méndez, lifts prayers for the victims, families, and communities impacted by this past weekend’s racially-motivated violent extremist act at the Tops Grocery store in Buffalo, NY. We are also praying for our colleagues in the Niagara Area Baptist Association as they continue the work of healing in their communities.
Sábado, 7 de mayo de 2022
8.00 AM a 1.30 PM
El evento incluye inspiración, alabanza, enseñanza, confraternidad, y un programa infantil simultáneo.
Some exciting events coming up, as well as new content from the Center for Asian American Christianity
American Baptists and friends are invited to participate in a signature campaign promoted by the Burma Advocacy Group, a coalition convened by the American Baptist Churches Burma Refugee Commission.
Information on how you and your congregation can partner with ABCNJ in providing relief in Haiti. On August 14, 2021, a magnitude 7.2 earthquake devastated Haiti. While lasting less than a minute, over 54,000 houses were destroyed, in addition to public and religious buildings, schools, and businesses. The earthquake caused over 2,200 deaths and 12,000 serious injuries.
Dear ABCNJ Family, Please join us in prayer for our sisters and brothers in Haiti. Many of you have called and asked how can we provide support to our sisters and brothers in Haiti. We join the rest of our ABCUSA family in continued prayer for Haiti and in giving through One Great Hour of Sharing.
ABCUSA Anti-Racism Task Force article for July 2021. We celebrate our time together at the Biennial Mission Summit. We prayed together, brainstormed ideas, and shared our stories. We embraced the sacredness of the human story, and we honored the human experience as a denomination and as a people. We are grateful for your interest, curiosity, and willingness to explore with us in the work of anti-racism, especially in the context of our faith. Together we created brave sacred spaces where we answered the call to prayer, self-understanding and listening, and learning, unlearning, and relearning. We answered the call to reflection and introspection—to look inward and inward and to examine our individual and collective thoughts and feelings. As the ABCUSA, we dared to open ourselves to better understand who we have been, who we are, and who we desire to become. Archbishop Desmond Tutu said, “All of our humanity is dependent upon recognizing the humanity in others.” We continue the journey.
While we had to postpone our mission trip to Puerto Rico due to Covid, we are excited to announce that we can now announce our rescheduled date!
The American Baptist Churches of New Jersey (ABCNJ), in partnership with the American Baptist Home Mission Societies (ABHMS), is providing an opportunity for our churches to get directly involved in “Rebuilding, Restoring, Renewing Puerto Rico,” a multi-year initiative following the devastation caused by Hurricanes Irma and Maria in 2017.
The American Baptist Churches of New Jersey join our Haitian brothers and sisters in prayer.
On Wednesday, July 7, 2021, President Jovenel Moïse was assassinated in his private residence located on the outskirts of Port-au-Prince, the country’s capital.