Join us for a stimulating exploration of the relationships between two important American religious communities during the Nazi era. Dr. Lee B. Spitzer shares not just an insightful perspective on this unexplored but significant aspect of Holocaust history, but also offers wisdom concerning contemporary Jewish-Christian issues, including the rise of global anti-Semitism and possibilities for ecumenical friendship and cooperation.
- How did Baptists in the United States respond to the Nazi persecution of the Jews and the Holocaust?
- Did Baptists condone or support anti-Semitism, or did they sincerely wish to enjoy friendship with American Jews and express solidarity and support for Europe's Jewish victims of Hitler's Final Solution?
- How did African-American Baptists react to Jewish persecution and suffering?
About the presenter
Dr. Lee B. Spitzer recently received his PhD in Theology from Vrije Universiteit (Free University) in Amsterdam for his research on Baptists, Jews and the Holocaust. He serves as the Executive Minister and Senior Regional Pastor of the American Baptist Churches of New Jersey, a network of 285 churches and approximately 70,000 members.
About the sponsors
Co-hosted by Temple Beth Or and Osbornville Baptist Church