Following the unanimous approval of the ABCNJ Council in August 25, 2018, and in accordance with our ABCNJ Constitution and By-Laws, our ABCNJ family is invited to meet with the candidate to be our next Senior Regional Pastor and Executive Minister, Rev. Miriam Méndez. There will be a time for the family to ask questions before the vote is taken.
About the Vote
Who can Vote?
Article III, Section 3.04a “The voting members of the American Baptist tChurch of New Jersey shall consist of: Delegates from each constituent congregation on the basis of three for each congregation, plus on delegate for each one hundred members or major fraction thereof above the first two hundred as reported in the most current annual statistics report as found in the ABCNJ yearly Directory. Churches shall be entitles to only three delegates if they did not report in the previous year.”
How will the Vote Work?
Articles V, Section 5.02e “The Executive Minister shall serve an indefinite term. The Executive Minister shall be chosen by the American Baptist Churches of New Jersey in a regular or special session at such time as a vacancy may occur in the office. The Council shall recommend a candidate to the organization, after consultation with the General Secretary of the American Baptist Churches in the U.S.A. The vote shall be a secret ballot, an election shall require a two-thirds majority of the voting members present and voting.
About Rev. Méndez
Rev. Miriam Méndez, currently serves as an ABCNJ Associate Regional Pastor. She knows ABCNJ very well, she has preached in many of our churches, she is a great listener, a prayer warrior, a meticulous administrator, a pastor to pastors, a challenging preacher, a visionary, a respected colleague, an optimist for the future, a progressive techie, a lover of God and His people and a believer who readily confesses her complete dependency on the Holy Spirit.
It is the hope of the Search Committee and the ABCNJ Council that our regional family will wholeheartedly affirm Rev. Méndez’s calling as our new Executive Minister and Senior Regional Pastor. We hope you will commit to praying for her, working with her, and involving your congregation with the work of the Region so that the Almighty God will do great and wonderful acts among us.