COAL 2017 Foci
Click or tap on one of the images below to be taken to specific workshop descriptions.
New Church Development
ABCNJ is committed to seeing new churches developed throughout the region, and to walking with congregations seeking to begin a church plant. These sessions will offer practical advice for those on this journey.
Christian Education
Jesus commanded the apostles to baptize and teach new believers to "obey everything I have commanded you (Matthew 28:20)." The Christian Education Focus encourages churches to keep Jesus' commandment.
Congregational Care
Nurturing good congregational health is a vital component of mission. This focus will not only encourage congregations to care for themselves, but also to reach out into the community with healing hands.
Institutional Administration
The word "institution" has been hit hard in recent years, but healthy institutions are the vehicle through which our shared culture and values are passed on to new generations. The Institutional Administration focus will help church leaders keep our congregations on healthy paths.