Cross Cultural Leadership - Rev. Louis Ao
Rev. Dr. Louis Ao is the senior pastor of Stelton Baptist Church and Moderator of Raritan Association of American Baptist Churches of New Jersey.
Reaching out to people of other nationalities is no longer only for those Christians called to go overseas. It is now for those Christians who have been called to take the Gospel message to their neighbors. In this seminar, we will discuss transformational leadership strategies and counter-culture leadership skills to minister effectively in a multi-culture ministry/church.
Prisoner Re-Entry, Stations of Hope – Rev. Estelle David
Rev. Estelle David works with the National Prison and Re-Entry Network of the American Baptist Home Mission Societies, recruiting and training churches to become “Stations of Hope” for NJ’s returning citizens and is an ABCNJ Open Minister for “Sacred Safe Spaces”
Participants in this workshop will learn how to be a church that serves as a healing and teaching refuge, offering a renewed vision for returning citizens, their families and communities.