This page contains the information for the pre-Annual Session. For information on Annual Session itself, please follow this link.
Fresh Expressions is an international movement of missionary disciples cultivating new kinds of church alongside existing congregations to more effectively engage our growing post-Christian society.
It is not a rebranding of existing work. Fresh Expressions is a form of church for our changing culture, established primarily for people who do not attend any church. Its guiding principles are listening, service, incarnational mission, and making disciples. Fresh Expressions complements the work churches already do.
ABCNJ invites our entire family to come and explore Fresh Expressions. Both clergy and lay people are encouraged to attend.
Chris Backert
National Director, Fresh Expressions USA
Working with church leaders to develop new expressions of Christian community is the passion of Chris’s life. In addition to his role as National Director of Fresh Expressions US, he serves with the Baptist General Association of Virginia in the area of growth and venture development. He also serves as National Director for both Ecclesia, a US network of missional churches, and Missio Alliance. Previously, he served as pastor of New Life Christian Fellowship, in Blacksburg, Virginia. He has been helped plant three new congregations.
Chris completed his doctoral work at Fuller Theological Seminary, concentrating on the future of denominations in North America.