2013 ABCNJ Asian Pastors and Lay Leaders Retreat


We had a wonderful Asian Pastors and lay leaders retreat at NextGen church in West Windsor, NJ, Sunday, April 21, 2013. Our theme was "Here I am, Send me." Isaiah 6:8. Pastor Mia Chang, Senior Pastor of NextGen Church and her congregation hosted the gathering and prepared a wonderful program and meal following the service. We had a very diverse ethnic group about 60 in attendance. There was much sharing via PowerPoint, highlighting each church's ministries. Rev. Liz Congdon, Senior pastor of FBC of Trenton shared her ministry with Burmese congregation. There was, also regional staff members, Rev. Dr. Luciano Marquez, Latino Ministries, and Rev. Dr. Peter Ely, ABCNJ Academy, in attendance celebrating and sharing.

Dr. Spitzer

We also had a special event celebration, for our ABCNJ Executive minister and Senior Regional Pastor Rev. Dr. Lee Spitzer for his 10 years of service to our ABCNJ and Asian ministries. He was the keynote speaker, enlightening us about our response to God's call- "Here I am, send me."

We thank to the Lord for our  Asian Pastors and lay leaders worship and celebration. Please continue pray for our Asian ministries and their response to God's calling.