2016 Asian Conference & Alliance of Asian American Baptist Churches Convocation June 21-24, 2016.


The Asian Conference & Alliance of Asian American Baptist Churches Convocation was held this year in New Jersey, hosted by First Baptist Church Haddonfield. There approximately 180 people in attendance, representing the Asian Churches throughout the United States, gathering under the theme “Let young eagles fly”.  Eleven workshops were presented, each allowing time for questions and discussion. Culturally diverse meals were prepared and shared by the different area Asian and local churches. A fantastic outdoor barbecue picnic gave all the opportunity to fellowship on a more personal level, and cultural differences were shared and embraced by all. The theme "Let young eagles fly" focused on encouraging our young people to be an integral part of the church – specifically to take on leadership roles, not only in the church, but also in their personal lives. FullSizeRender (1)We were very pleased and excited in the number of young people in attendance. The amount of involvement by our younger generations was the greatest we've ever had, making our theme wonderfully appropriate.  The interest and involvement of our youth is so important to the growth of the church and needs to be addressed and accepted by all.

I am very proud of ABCNJ regional team staff, GDVA, Asian Churches and local churches for coming together in a partnership to make the conference such a success. Thank you all for your selfless involvement and outward show of friendship, love and welcome to everyone in attendance.

Thank you ABHMS Asian Ministries and AABC/Asian Alliance for allowing us At ABCNJ to be in partnership with you and host the conference this year.