ABCNJ Recognizes Domestic Violence Awareness Month

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month and, as part of our Sacred Safe Spaces initiative, we are encouraging pastors to help raise awareness of this issue in a Sermon. To help with this endeavor I have listed some suggested texts, topics, and a Litany of Non-Violence.

Any pastor who takes part is encouraged to contact Rev. Estelle David by using the form below.

Suggested Text & Topics

  • 2 Samuel 11,12: 1-15 * Being Nathan in Our Times, Don’t Be Silent Bystanders
  • 2 Samuel 13 * Tamar: A Family’s Silence Ends in Tragedy
  • 1 Corinthians 13: 4-7 * Love Should Not Hurt
  • 1 John 4: 16-21 * God Is Love

Let’s End Domestic Violence Together!

Litany for Congregational Covenant of Nonviolence

We understand that living in peace starts within ourselves, in our families, and in our congregations. We, as members of ABCNJ, we commit ourselves to act as a nonviolent and peaceful community of faith.

As we become that faith community of nonviolence and peace, we will ask God to search us and open our eyes to be aware of those among us who are being wounded and denied peace. We ask, O Lord, to help us to be accountable towards one another and take appropriate actions to help our sisters and brothers. We will carefully listen and speak Your Truth in love. We will be mindful to avoid gossip, uncaring criticism, hateful words, physical attacks and self-destructive behaviors.

We are called as a faith community to be quick to hear from our sisters and brothers when they are in pain or hurt. We are called to be slow to speak and slow to anger. We vow to listen attentively, carefully and loving to one another before responding and move into responsible action.

Since God extents great forgiveness to us, we are asked to extend it to others and our ourselves. Lord, help us to not to judge but have mercy in working with those who have been victims and those who have been abusers. We agree to forgive without holding grudges. Likewise, we understand that forgiveness does not necessarily mean we must trust, befriend and or continue a relationship with those who have violated us as a nonviolent and peaceful community of faith.

We understand that addressing violence in all its forms will be a difficult task. We vow to be strong and courageous when broaching and confronting violence in our lives, homes, work places, schools and in our community. We understand that we all need Jesus to become new and better people. We will seek the assistance that is needed and support our sisters and brothers while they proceed down their new spiritual journey.

Each of us affirms that we will become more peaceable, respectful, loving, courageous and forgiving people of God. We will walk as wise persons of God, listening to leading of the Holy Spirit. Our goal is to always to encouraging and to build one another up. With Christ as our example, we agree even when we correct one another, we will do so in the spirit of Godliness. With the help of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Contact Rev. David