ABCNJ Supports Mission of Haitian Baptist Hospital
Rev. Dieudonné Mérinvil, Treasurer of the Alliance of Haitian Baptist Churches, and Haitian Ministry Representative at ABCNJ General Council Board, traveled to Quartier-Morin,(Cap Haitian) Haiti, to attend the tenth Anniversary of the Haitian Baptist Convention Hospital on Friday, January 27, 2017. It was an amazing feat for this hospital to get to that point and to see how people came from all over the world to represent different organizations.
The picture below was taken while I was presenting a special gift of $1000.00 to the president of the Convention Baptisted'Haiti, (CBH) Rev. Pierre Michel JULIEN on behalf of American Baptist Churches of NJ and Rev. Dr. Lee B. Spitzer. The check was a special way for ABCNJ to extend the best wishes to the Hospital of Quartier Morin, Haiti.
ABCNJ provides a $1,000 donation to Haitian Baptist Hospital.