ABCNJ Celebrates Black History Month

Rosa Parks moved civil rights to the front of the bus.

 ABCNJ invites our regional family to recognize the importance of Black History Month. February offers congregations a time to celebrate and remember the vital contributions African-Americans have made to the fabric of American Christianity. ABCNJ encourages Christians of all races to promote racial reconciliation and authentic friendship.

At its February 4, 2017 meeting, the ABCNJ Regional Council approved the applications of two African-American Church which desire to join our family – First Baptist Church Belmar (North Shore Association) and First Baptist Church Robbinsville (Capital Association). These applications must be affirmed at the Spring meetings of their respective associations, and will be recognized at ABCNJ's Annual Session in September.

Last month, ABCNJ sponsored our first MLK Sunday offering for UNCF scholarships. Thanks to all the churches which recognized the importance of this initiative and participated in the offering. As a result of the region's enthusiastic support, the Regional Council created the ABCNJ/UNCF Leadership Impact Scholarship through our partnership with the United Negro College Fund. Based on available funds two $2000 scholarships will be offered under this title each year to full-time students, one male and one female. Recipients must be a member in good standing of an ABCNJ church which is in covenant with the region. The scholarships are renewable up to 4 years if good academic standing is maintained. We hope to award the first two scholarships at Annual Session in September.

Judson Press has published a new book, Journey with Jesus through Lent, by former Associate Regional Pastor, Rev. Dr. Glenn E. Porter, Sr. The region enthusiastically recommends this book as a journey resource for the upcoming season of Lent.