Day One – A New Ministry Journey
The Prayer Spiral at Biennial
As I conclude my first day serving on the ABCNJ regional team, I cannot help but note how privileged I feel to be called to this ministry. I feel especially blessed to be spending day one with our larger American Baptist Churches family as we gather in Portland Oregon for the Biennial Mission Summit.
I began my new journey in prayer for our ABCNJ and ABCUSA families.
Here at the Biennial, there is a special space created to engage both body and spirit in prayer. In the center of a huge dimly lit room, there is a lighted spiral pathway which leads to a cross. Upon reaching the cross pilgrims are invited to do two things. First, to attach any prayer requests they might have on the cross. Second, to reflect on those who have gone before us in the faith and to add new lights to that spiral path in memory of those who have guided us this far by faith. I, myself, added two lights. One for my parents and grandparents and the other for our forefathers and foremothers in ABCNJ.
I look forward with great anticipation to this new new journey. My prayer for myself and for all of us echoes the words to the song,
"Oh may all who come behind us find us faithful..."