Help Celebrate ABCNJ's New Dawn

Commissioning & Consecration
Rev. Miriam Méndez

Dear Sisters and Brothers of ABCNJ,

At our Annual Convention on September 29, 2018, we presented the candidate-elect for the position of Executive Minister and Senior Regional Pastor. On October 27, at our region-wide meeting at the First Baptist Church of Hightstown, we affirmed the recommendation of the search committee and the ABCNJ Council. Now it is time to have a Service of Commissioning and Consecration for the Rev. Miriam Méndez, our new Executive Minister and Senior Regional Pastor!

We invite you to experience this sacred moment in the life of the ABCNJ at Bethany Baptist Church, 275 W. Market Street, Newark, NJ, where the Rev. Timothy Adkins-Jones is the pastor.  The church has a large parking lot for everyone who attends. The service will be on Saturday, February 9 at 1:00 p.m. The speaker for the occasion is the well-known professor, dean, preacher, and prophet, Rev. Dr. Elizabeth Conde-Frazier. After the service, there will be a reception where you can congratulate Rev. Méndez and assure her of your continued support and prayer.

The ABCNJ has been blessed with great executive ministers in the past and we trust the Lord that we will continue that tradition with Rev. Méndez. She follows H.F. Stoddard (1952-1957), J.H. Heartberg (1958-1975), G.D. Younger (1976-1992), A.R. Medley (1993-2001), and L.B. Spitzer (2003-2016). We also had R.L. Thompson (2002) and E.D. Familiaran (2018) as interim ministers.

Those of you who have had the opportunity to listen to Rev. Méndez preach, listen to her counseling, or work alongside her know that she is a gifted person, anointed by the Holy Spirit and excellently prepared to lead this region that we love. There is joy and excitement among us as we look forward to the mighty movement of God among us.

We hope you will join us on Saturday, February 9 at 1:00 p.m. and make this a great day of celebration in ABCNJ history.


Rev. Dr. George Hancock-Stefan
ABCNJ Executive Council President

*all clergy are invited to robe