Taking Action with Love, Courage, Justice and Mercy
“You shall also love the stranger, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt.”
Deuteronomy 10:19
Dear Beloved Community of ABCNJ,
The current immigration crisis has highlighted the pressing need for compassion and empathy in our communities and our world. As Christians, we are called to respond with open hearts and a willingness to help those in need, remembering that each person is made in God's image. Our faith compels us to stand in solidarity with the marginalized and advocate for the just and humane treatment of all individuals seeking refuge.
As American Baptists, we have been called to be Christ’s witnesses for justice and wholeness within a broken society. With a history rooted in advocacy and compassion, American Baptists strive to engage in meaningful dialogues and initiatives that reflect our commitment to justice and equality. We advocate for fair laws that foster compassionate immigration policies. Although we may not all agree on the best approach to addressing challenges, American Baptists affirm the need to follow Christ's example by actively participating in efforts to create societal change. The United States has long been a nation of immigrants, and it is crucial to honor and acknowledge our rich heritage.
ABCNJ has been and continues to be involved in supporting, nurturing, and providing care and resources for our immigrant community, congregations, and leaders. While we have team members who directly engage with immigrant communities, this responsibility is shared across the staff.
Please visit https://www.abcnj.net/embracing-community where you will find resources to help us love and care for our immigrant community. I also invite you to attend one or all of the webinars offered by our partners. All of us are called to love.
I call upon the ABCNJ congregations to dedicate a moment of intercession during the worship service on Sunday, February 2, 2025, to pray for all our immigrants, refugees, migrants, and asylum seekers who are facing uncertainty and hardship. And pray that we will have the courage to respond with love and mercy.
May our prayers serve as a light of hope and a testament to our unwavering commitment to justice and mercy. I encourage each of our congregations to embody these values, making sure that every action taken resonates with the teachings of Christ and the principles of love. ABCNJ, let us come together as a community to offer our support and prayers, trusting that our collective actions can make a meaningful difference in the lives of those affected by this crisis.
Doing Justice, Loving Mercy, Walking Humbly with God,
Rev. Miriam Méndez
Executive Minister and Senior Regional Pastor