A Visitor From Haiti

If you are interested in the possibility of organizing a hands-on mission opportunity sometime in the near future, here is some good news. Tiga Wildor, Guest Director for Conscience International in Grand Goave, Haiti, will be in our area from November 26 to December 17, 2012. In the years since the devastating earthquake in Haiti, Conscience International has been working with mission teams and local Haitians to build permanent homes made from the rubble of destroyed buildings. Tiga would love to have the opportunity to come and speak to your congregation and answer questions they may have about a mission trip to Haiti.

Tiga is already scheduled to speak at First Baptist Church of Manasquan on Sunday, December 2nd. He will be available weekdays, too, but if you would like to invite him to speak God's message of hope for the Haitian people on a Sunday morning, the two remaining dates are likely to fill up quickly.

Please contact Diane Rexrode of FBC Manasquan to schedule by emailing her via the form below or by calling 732-657-0654.

[contact-form to='dianrex@gmail.com' subject='Conscience International Inquiry'][contact-field label='Name' type='name' required='1'/][contact-field label='Email' type='email' required='1'/][contact-field label='Comment' type='textarea' required='1'/][/contact-form]