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ABCNJ Minister’s Council: “Renewed, Revived, Reimagined”

In Partnership with the Regional Office of the American Baptist Churches of NJ and the Senior Regional Pastor, Rev. Dr. Lee B. Spitzer, the ABCNJ Minister’s Council would like to proudly announce the revival of the Minister’s Council in NJ. Under the banner, “Renewed, Revived, Reimagined,” the MC is seeking new voices, new ideas and new ways to minister to, develop, and educate the Pastors and Ministry Leaders in the Region. “Renewed, Revived and Reimagined” does not limit itself to just the structure or mandate of the Minister’s Council structure alone. We seek to be a group of colleagues focused on RENEWING fellow ministry leaders through ministry support groups and educational outreach, REVIVING those whose fires are burning dim to see ministry in new ways and self-care in the face of changing ministry expectations, and REIMAGINING the ways in which we touch the people who we minister to or the ways in which we approach ministry challenges.

ABCNJ Minister's Council LogoWe are currently seeking excited and dedicated ministers to take charge of representing the MC in their individual Associations and to sit on the Executive Committee. A passion for ministry care and education and a vision for the advancement of all ministers in the ABCNJ are what we are looking for! Please contact Rev. Bruce Wood at to volunteer your name and your Association for representation on the Board! We are seeking to solidify the leadership of our board at our next meeting following the ABCNJ Academy’s wonderful educational presentations on September 27th. We encourage you to be a part of the Academy and the Minister’s Council meeting to follow!

We are excited for the work that lies ahead and the great days of renewal, reviving and new horizons that await us as colleagues in ministry together!

Together in Ministry!

Rev. Bruce J. Wood President Pro Tem, MC-ABCNJ