ABCNJ's Got Talent! - The Search is On!

Announcing the 2012 ABCNJ Annual Session Music Search

We all know ABCNJ has some of the most gifted and talented people around.  Here's your chance to share some of those gifts with the region and the world!  If your church has a worship team or choir, they could be our worship leaders for Annual Session in September!   Here's how:

  1. Write an original song around our theme, "Caring Pastors, Caring Churches, Caring Mission," and Matthew 5:14 - “You are the light of the world.”.
  2. Release that song under a CreativeCommons license and share the music with our ABCNJ Churches through the region office (we'll make sure it gets out).
  3. Record your group singing the song, and post it up on YouTube for us and the world to see!  Send the link to  Or, send a DVD to the region office.
  4. (Don’t have an original song?  Video your team or choir singing a song that fits the theme, and we’ll still consider it!).

All submissions should be in by April 12, 2012.  By submitting a song for consideration, your group or choir is stating they are available to lead singing at Annual Session, September 29, 2012.

Let's show the world the creativity we possess all throughout our region!